When parents give birth to a child with Down syndrome, the response they hear most from friends, family and even doctors isn’t “Congratulations! – it’s “I’m so sorry.” The Canadian Down Syndrome Society wanted to show just how inappropriate the “S” word is, so we had people with Down syndrome share some more acceptable alternatives, using every bad word they know – except “Sorry.”
Campaign Title: Anything But Sorry
Client: Canadian Down Syndrome Society
Canadian Down Syndrome Society Credits
Chair, Board of Directors: Laura LaChance
Vice-Chair, Board of Directors: Ed Casagrande
Member, Board of Directors: Ben Tarr
Member, Board of Directors: Stewart Moffatt
National Executive Director: Kirk Crowther
Communications Manager: Kaitlyn Pecson
Resource Coordinator: Carlee Reardon
Creative Agency: FCB Canada
Chief Creative Officer: Nancy Crimi-Lamanna, Jeff Hilts
Sr. Copywriter: Marty Hoefkes
Sr. Art Director: Michael Morelli
Art Director: Cody Sabatine, Gira Moin
Copywriter: Joseph Vernuccio
Illustrators: Sasha Ortega, Elma Karabegovic, Sarah Cleaver, Amanda Disanto, Sally Fung
Account Management
Chief Executive Officer: Tyler Turnbull
VP, Managing Director: Tracy Little, Ricky Jacobs
Group Account Director: Ravi Singh
Account Executive: Olivia Selbie
Director of Integrated Production: Stef Fabich
Broadcast Producer: Christine Michalejko
Chief Strategy Officer: Shelley Brown
Sr Strategic Planner: Eryn LeMesurier
Strategist: Shelagh Hartford
UX Lead: Kristy Pleckaitis
Project Management
Project Manager: Ashley Whitaker
Technology & Development
Director of Technology: Madara Ranawake
Front End Developer: Florian Adu-Gyamfi
QA Manager: Lina Vaisman
Jr. QA Analyst: Peter Panchine
Jr. QA Analyst: Labdhi Deliwala
Print Production
Print Producer: Bruce Ellis
Studio Manager: Shairoz Manek
Senior Production Mac Artist: Billy Mavrakakis
Production Mac Artist: Rittie Prak
Proofreader: Albert Macchiusi
Production Credits
Director: Elias Campbell
Director & DOP: Scott Drucker
DOP: Stephen Mcloughlin
Casting: Jigsaw Casting
CDC: Shasta Lutz
Editing House: Rooster Post Production
Executive Producer: Melissa Kahn
Editor: Chris Parkins
Assistant Editor: Joey Whitelaw
Editing House: Radar
Editor: Scott Drucker
Editor: Joële Walinga
Transfer Facility: The Vanity
Colourist: Andrew Exworth
Online Facility: Fort York
Flame Artist: Ernie Mordak
Assistant Flame Artist: Melissa Vasiliev
Producer: Armen Bunag
Music House: Grayson Matthews
Music Producer: Mark Domitric
Music Supervisor: Igor Correia
Sound Engineer: Brian Bernard
Sound Designer: Ben Swarbrick & Laura Titchner
Head of Sales: Kelly Mcclusky
Producer: Sharon Yokoyama
Project Coordinator: Nicholas Shaw
Printer: C.J. Graphics Inc., Parry Nitchos
PR: Shannon Stephaniuk, Glossy